By-Laws of the Beaux Arts


The name of this organization shall be the Beaux Arts of Central Florida, which was organized on May 28, 1962, with the name of “Beaux Arts of Daytona Beach.”


The threefold mission of this organization, hereinafter referred to as Beaux Arts of Central Florida, is:

  • to strive for excellence and originality in art

  • to explore various media and techniques

  • to contribute a fresh and personal approach to the diversity and fellowship of today’s art


Section I

There shall be two basic categories of membership:

  • Active Exhibiting (AE)

  • Associate

In addition, there are membership sub-categories:

  • Life

  • Patron

  • Honorary

  • Charter

Section 2:

a.     Artists interested in the mission of this organization and actively engaged in their particular work, will be eligible for Active Exhibiting (AE) membership upon approval of the membership committee. To be an active member in good standing, you must enter one Beaux Arts juried exhibition each year. AE members are encouraged to enter each show, each year.

b.     Associate Members are non-exhibiting members and have membership for life, with annual dues of 50 percent of current Active Exhibiting (AE) dues. Privileges are the same as an active membership. Should the artist wish to regain Active Exhibiting (AE) status, an application will be submitted to the membership committee, with no special preference shown for reinstatement.

c.      Active Exhibiting (AE) membership is limited to fifty-five members, with an option in the future to further increase membership up to, but not exceeding, five additional members, to be determined at the discretion of the Executive Board.  Associate membership is unlimited.

d.     Honorary membership may be awarded to any member whom the board unanimously wishes to so honor. Honorary members are exempt from dues, but retain all other privileges of their individual category

Charter members shall be all members paying dues as of May, 1962, and shall be named as such permanently in the Beaux Arts records

Section 3:

a.     The annual dues for all dues paying categories shall be fixed annually upon the recommendation of the Executive Board, and announced at a regular meeting to be appointed by the majority of the members present.

b.     Annual dues shall be payable by June of each year.

Section 4:

a.     Members wishing to sponsor an artist for membership in Beaux Arts may submit the completed application to the membership chairperson no later than March 31. Sponsors shall have been members of Beaux Arts for more than one year. The completed application shall consist of:

  • the application form, filled out by the applicant

  • confidential personal profile, filled out by the sponsor

  • four images of the applicant’s recent art work

b.     All applications received during the current year shall be reviewed and juried by a special meeting of the Executive Board. A majority vote is needed for approval. Since Beaux Arts is, by necessity, limited in size, membership shall depend on:

  • criteria specified in Article II

  • willingness to work for the club

  • the number of spaces open at the end of the year

c.      Applicants will be notified one day prior to the April membership meeting of acceptance or non-acceptance.

d.     New members shall be invited to attend the annual luncheon meeting in May, and, upon payment of dues for the coming year, be considered Active Exhibiting (AE) members. New members will be encouraged to participate in each exhibition.


Section 1:

a.     The affairs of the organization shall be managed by a voting Executive Board made up of the seven officers elected by the membership. The Executive Board will include the following officers:

  • President (Executive Officer)

  • First Vice-President (Program Chairperson)

  • Second Vice-President (Membership Chairperson)

  • Third Vice President (Exhibition Chairperson)

  • Recording Secretary

  • Corresponding Secretary

  • Treasurer

b.     Assisting the Executive Board will be non-voting committee chairpersons, appointed at the discretion of the President. These chairpersons will chair the following standing committee:

  • Historian

  • Parliamentarian

  • Photographer

  • Publicity

  • Social

  • Sunshine

  • Telephone

c.      To constitute a quorum of the Executive, Board, five of the seven officers shall be present at any meeting of the board. Any motion, resolution, or matter to be valid must meet with the approval of at least four board members.

Section 2:

a.     The President shall appoint a nominating committee in February who share submit the slate of officers for the coming year at the March meeting. Members of the Executive Board may not serve on the nominating committee.

b.     Nominating committee members are not eligible to become candidates for elected office during their tenure.

c.      Election of officers for the ensuing year shall be held annually at the April meeting.

d.     Election shall by ballot unless there is but one candidate for each office. A majority vote is required to elect each candidate.

Section 3:

a.     The officers of the Executive Board shall be elected for a term of one year and not serve more than two consecutive years in the same office. Exceptions are at the discretion of the Board.

b.     In the event of death, resignation, or (as the Executive Board shall determine) the incapacity of any officer, the Executive Board shall promptly elect a successor for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section 4:

The Executive Board shall pass upon the acceptability of all offers of gits of paintings and other objects and shall decline the same unless the donor authorizes the committee to make whatever use of the objected it may see fit, including disposal of it for the benefit of Beaux Arts.


a.     The President shall preside at all the meetings of Beaux Arts. The President shall appoint committee chairpersons as needed and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees with all the rights and privileges of a member of each committee, including voting, but is not counted in the quorum. The President shall appoint an auditing committee to audit the records and accounts of the Treasurer after the annual meeting in May. The audit is to be submitted to the Executive Board once the books have changed hands. 

b.     The President shall have the authority to sign checks covering withdrawals from any bank account of the organization in the absence or disability of the Treasurer.

c.      The First Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President or in the event the President is unable to serve. The First Vice President shall be program chairperson, and, as such shall make arrangements for lectures, demonstrations, and locations of social functions and meetings.

d.     The Second Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice President. The Second Vice President shall also be the membership chairperson and fulfill the duties specified in Article III, Section Four. He/she will arrange for an annual directory and consult with the Recording Secretary and Treasurer for the current state of all members prior to printing.

e.     The Third Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President, the First Vice President, and the Second Vice President. The third Vice President shall be exhibition chairperson and shall have charge of all exhibits and take care of all details pertaining to same. All exhibition plans are subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

f.      The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings and maintain attendance and status records

g.     The Corresponding Secretary shall handle all of the correspondence relating to club activities, membership, and applicants.

h.     The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of Beaux Arts and be accountable to the Executive Board regarding deposits of funds and expenditures, all of which shall be recorded in the minutes. Large expenditures need to be approved by the Executive Board in in advance of commitment.

i.       The Historian shall keep a scrapbook of all news and accounts relating to Beaux Arts and its members. The Historian shall keep a file of all exhibition catalogs of interest to the members.

j.       The Parliamentarian shall decide upon issues arising relative to Parliamentary procedure as specified in these by-laws and Roberts Rules of Order, and shall review the laws annually and propose amendments as needed.

k.     The Photographer shall take pictures at all exhibits and social functions and forward them to the Historian and publicity chairperson.

l.       The publicity chairperson shall have charge of all publicity

m.   The social chairperson shall be responsible for serving refreshments at designated meetings, exhibits, and social functions.

n.     The sunshine chairperson shall be responsible for sending cards to members and their immediate families in the appropriate situations and for drafting a letter of appreciation to the outgoing President.

o.     The telephone committee shall keep members informed of all pertinent events.


a.     Regular meetings shall be called by the President on designated dates from October through May. Special meetings shall be called whenever necessary.

b.     The regular May meeting shall be the annual meeting and shall include installation of officers and new members for the coming year. Officers and committee chairperson reports will be submitted to the President at this meeting. The reports shall be duplicated and submitted to the outgoing President and the in-coming President at this meeting.


The procedure for amending by-laws is as follows: When by-law changes are deemed necessary, the President shall appoint a five-member committee for studying and drafting needed changes. That committee will invite input from the membership in its deliberations. The chairperson of that committee will present the committee’s recommendations to the President. Upon approval by the Executive board, the proposed amendments shall be presented in writing to the voting membership at a general meeting. At a second meeting, the proposed amendments may be adopted by a two thirds majority vote. By-laws shall be reviewed on a regular basis and amended as needed.


The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern all cases to which they are applicable and which are not consistent with the by-laws.

By-laws last revised: 05.01.2023